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Sunday, August 22

It's been a year, folks. I mourn for the loss of OSHA in my life. Is DaveO pregnant yet? Is Shawn settled into his new house in Buttscratch, MO, or is he dead? Is Sadler still Sadler? I DON'T KNOW!

posted by Dave at 5:07 PM | comment [edit]

Friday, August 22

I feel like our privacy is being violated with these ads at the top of the page sneaking info from our text and using it to target us with "relevant" information.

Maybe I should use it to see if they'll offer me some coupons for Little Debbie products. That's...Little...Debbie, got it sneaky ad program?

I've just recently tried the Banana Twins from Little Debbie and I never knew what I was missing. Reminds me of a Banana Flip -- remember those? Good stuff. I eat a box or two every day.

posted by Shawn at 12:42 PM | comment [edit]

Sunday, August 10

Word up. There's a possibility that I might get a job with KERA-FM, Dallas' public radio station. It's nothing full time or anything that good, but it would get me started there and I could either sink or swim at that point.

Dave O, I have you to thank for suggesting that I work at KNTU a while back, therefore sending me on this career path. Seems we had an email exchange regarding something about radio or NPR and you said "can you work at the campus station?" Then you cautioned against it by saying that it might lead me to a career that would require me to be on air at 4:00am or something.

It turns out that might not be far off the mark. I interviewed for a 6:00am shift. Hmm...I didn't mention that I prefer sleeping late as a general rule. At least living with the human alarm clock keeps that from happening anyway.

I'll see how this pans out, then decide whether or not to go to the DFW radio job fair Wednesday night.

posted by Shawn at 9:18 AM | comment [edit]

Saturday, August 2

Are y'all hip to Homestarrunner?

posted by Shawn at 7:44 AM | comment [edit]

Wednesday, July 16

I'm going to DCI Southwest Championship this weekend. I like to think of it as a business trip, as I want to make sure my marching band arranging is up to speed on all the latest trends. "Oh I see...the corps play loud...maybe I'll have to add some "ffff" markings to my score." Okay, I hope to learn more than that.

We (me and I guy from UNT) have good seats, but I'm a little skeptical about seeing a corps show indoors. I'm not sure how hip that's going to be.

I'm picking Pioneer as the come-from-behind champ at this event. Wait...no I'm not. As I understand it, both Blue Devils and Cavaliers are undefeated coming into this weekend. Should make for a good show.

posted by Shawn at 11:24 AM | comment [edit]